MCES oil wsp

Growth promotor

INGREDIENTS: Microencapsulation powder with carvacrol and thymol

DESCRIPTION: Aromatic flavor has strong feeding effect on the aquatic animals. It has strong inhibitory effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Promote the development of digestive organs and secretion of digestive enzymes, stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve the utilization and absorption of nutrients, improve intestinal health. Also, improve the immune function of the body. Improve the quality of aquatic products: aromatic substances can effectively stimulate or increase muscle freshness, sweet flavor, scavenging free radicals, reduce harmful bacteria pollution, extend shelf life.

DOSAGE: : When this product is used, be sure to mix evenly with the ingredients of the feed compounds.
Prophylactic dose: 300g / t
Therapeutic dose: 600-800g / t.
Considering EMS (Early Mortality Syndrome) high dose is recommended.

PACKAGING: 1kg, 10kg
